
The next Experiment show is at The Royal Oak in North Fitzroy on Saturday December 23rd. Two sets of righteousness, solid gold, and eyes-on-the-prize from 6:00pm.

This may well be our last show for the year, but we’ve already got a bit planned for next year, so stay tuned.


The Experiment are next playing at The Coburg RSL on Friday November 1st, the first day of the last month of spring. Then a few weeks later we’ll be at The Royal Oak in North Fitzroy on Saturday November 23rd.

The short film which we wrote and recorded a live soundtrack for, ‘Out of Range’, by Brown Cabs productions, directed by John Harvey and starring Aaron Pedersen and Araluen Lee Baxter, is now showing on demand on the SBS website! It had its premiere back at Melbourne International Film Festival in September, and it was a thrill to work on this film and with these people. You can check it out here on the SBS On Demand website.

I also recently had the great privilege of having an orchestral piece I wrote as part of my composition studies given a workshop and recording by Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in Iwaki Auditorium at the ABC Melbourne Building. Hearing your music played by one of the best orchestras in the world is something I’ll never quite forget. However, they made me sign a non-disclosure form for the recording, so unfortunately I won’t be releasing it anytime soon - until I get it properly recorded, that is.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in rehearsal. Photo by CP, 2/10/2019.

Melbourne Symphony Orchestra in rehearsal. Photo by CP, 2/10/2019.


The short film which we wrote and recorded a live soundtrack for, ‘Out of Range’, by Brown Cabs productions, directed by John Harvey and starring Aaron Pedersen and Araluen Lee Baxter, is now showing on demand on the SBS website! It was a thrill to work on this film, and I really love how it’s all turned out. You can check it out here on the SBS On Demand website. It’s also fresh from a world premiere screening at MIFF, and will be featuring at more festivals around the world soon.

The Experiment is playing The Drunken Poet in Melbourne on September 20th - two sets from 8:30pm. So come and see what we do, which is whatever we want, really. Next show after that is Friday November 1st at one of the best venues in town, the Coburg RSL. Come see us, if you like.

Image by Ryan Alexander Lloyd, courtesy of Brown Cabs.

Image by Ryan Alexander Lloyd, courtesy of Brown Cabs.


The Experiment’s next show is at one of our favourites, The Standard in old Fitzroy on Sunday August 4th at 7:00pm. It’s the last gig at The Standard for a while too, whilst the venue takes a break from music until summer.

In September, the Experiment will be heading up to QLD for a show in Brisbane on Saturday September 14th. It’s a special matinee show at Junk Bar in Ashgrove, and support will be Mardi Wilson. Tickets are now on sale, so get them over at Oztix here - the Junk Bar’s only small, and we sold it out last time so get in early. It’s our only QLD show for 2019, most likely.

Poster design by Kristin Copson at Go Dog Go.

Poster design by Kristin Copson at Go Dog Go.


The Experiment play next at The Royal Oak Hotel in Fitzroy North on Saturday July 20th.

We recently took part in the recording of the soundtrack for a new short film by Brown Cabs productions and partly funded by SBS called ‘Out of Range’. The sessions took place at Aviary Studios with our good friends Fraser Montgomery and Nick Edin, and was a whole pile of fun. I’ll keep you posted on when it might be screened.

Photo by Fraser Montgomery, taken at Aviary Studios on May 10th 2019.

Photo by Fraser Montgomery, taken at Aviary Studios on May 10th 2019.


The Experiment’s next scheduled show is on Thursday June 27th at the Edinburgh Castle Hotel in Brunswick. Two sets from 8:00pm, friends. We all have a bunch of stuff on in the meantime, which is why there’s so big a break between collective drums/bass/guitar solos, but we’re also working on the soundtrack to a short film that will feature on SBS later this year - so that’s going to take up a bit of our time too.

If anything else comes up, we’ll let you know.

The CP Experiment at Sly Fox, Enmore, March 7th 2019. Photo by Robyn Hitchcock.

The CP Experiment at Sly Fox, Enmore, March 7th 2019. Photo by Robyn Hitchcock.


What a fun time we had playing up in NSW. Thanks to everyone for coming out, both in Sydney and in Maitland.

The next Experiment gig will be at The Standard Hotel in Fitzroy on Sunday April 14th. It’s one of our favourite places to play, so we’ll be turning it on, and turning it up. Two sets from 7:00pm. Chocks away.


The Experiment is heading up to Sydney and Maitland for a couple of shows. We’ll be playing Sydney on Thursday March 7th at SlyFox in Enmore, as part of Ramblin’ Nights, presented by Alt. Roundup, Mother Hen Touring, and Post To Wire. Joining us for the evening will be the excellent Adam Young and The Down Main. Tickets are already selling fast to this one, so get yours here at the jump through Oztix.

Then, we’re off to Maitland to play The Grand Junction Hotel on Friday night March 8th. Two nights of music, two postcodes, two action settings: loud and twangy.

Poster design by the fabulous Hana Brenecki. She’s great.

Poster design by the fabulous Hana Brenecki. She’s great.


Here’s something cool: some footage that Ben took on his go-pro camera of our gig with Trichotomy at Jazzlab on December 14th 2018. The tune we are playing is called Effergy, written by Stuart McCallum.

The next Experiment show is at Coburg RSL on Saturday February 16th, as we play two sets from 5:30pm for their annual members day, which also features sets before us from Capital Gains and after from Drunken Poachers.

Here’s a head’s up too: in March, the experiment are coming up to NSW for a few shows. Come catch us at:

Thursday March 7th: Sly Fox, Enmore, Sydney. With Adam Young and The Down Main
Friday March 8th: The Junkyard Hotel, Maitland. Two sets from 8:00pm.


Happy 2019 everyone! What a year it’s going to be. We have big plans for this year, and we plan to be making a bunch of music about the place too.

First gig coming up for 2019 is at one of our favourites of all, The Standard in Fitzroy. We’ll be playing two sets from 7:00pm on Sunday January 13th.

Photo from Ben Graham’s GoPro, taken at the Chris Pickering Experiment and Trichotomy show at Jazzlab, Brunswick, on December 14th, 2018. L to R: CP, James O’Brien’s back, Ben Graham, John Parker, Sam Vincent' (acoustic bass), and Sean Foran (piano).

Photo from Ben Graham’s GoPro, taken at the Chris Pickering Experiment and Trichotomy show at Jazzlab, Brunswick, on December 14th, 2018. L to R: CP, James O’Brien’s back, Ben Graham, John Parker, Sam Vincent' (acoustic bass), and Sean Foran (piano).